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What to Expect on Your Child's First Day at Nursery: A Parent's Guide

What to Expect on Your Child's First Day at Nursery: A Parent's Guide

As a parent you are going to witness an important moment in your child’s journey – their first day at nursery. This day is packed with mixed feelings, excitement and maybe a hint of nervousness. However worry not! Here, at Precious Gems Nursery we have witnessed numerous young ones take their first steps of learning. We are here to support you through this thrilling adventure. In this extensive guide we will take you step by step through what you should be aware of on your child’s day at daycare. From getting ready to the time you collect them we will address all the essentials to make sure both you and your youngster ease into nursery life seamlessly.

Preparing for the Big Day

The key to a successful first day at nursery lies in thorough preparation. From emotional readiness to practical necessities, being well-prepared can make all the difference. Remember, your confidence will rub off on your little one, setting the stage for a positive experience. Let’s break down the essentials:

Emotional Preparation

It’s natural for both you and your child to feel a range of emotions as the big day approaches. Here are some tips to help you both prepare emotionally:

  1. Talk positively about nursery: In the weeks leading up to the first day, discuss nursery in an upbeat, exciting way. Share stories about the fun activities they’ll do and the new friends they’ll make.
  2. Practice separation: Gradually increase the time you spend apart to help your child become comfortable with being away from you.
  3. Read books about starting nursery: There are many children’s books that address the topic of starting nursery. Reading these together can help normalise the experience for your child.

Packing Essentials

These essentials will ensure your child has everything they need for a comfortable and enjoyable day. Don’t forget to label each item with your child’s name to avoid mix-ups. Here’s a handy checklist of items to pack for your child’s first day:

  1. Change of clothes (including underwear and socks)
  2. Comfort item (small toy or blanket)
  3. Nappies and wipes (if necessary)
  4. Sun hat and sunscreen (for outdoor play)
  5. Water bottle
  6. Any necessary medication (with clear instructions)

Choosing the Right Outfit

When selecting your child’s outfit for their first day, consider these factors:

  1. Comfort: Opt for soft, loose-fitting clothes that allow for easy movement.
  2. Practicality: Choose items that are easy to put on and take off for nappy changes or toilet visits.
  3. Weather-appropriate: Dress your child in layers to accommodate changes in temperature throughout the day.
  4. Labelling: Don’t forget to label all items with your child’s name to prevent mix-ups!

The Drop-Off: Navigating the First Goodbye

The moment of separation can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can make it a positive experience for both you and your child. Remember, your child takes cues from you, so staying calm and positive can help ease any anxiety. Trust in your child’s resilience and the caring staff to make this transition smoother.

Arrival Time and Procedures

At Precious Gems Nursery, we recommend arriving about 15-20 minutes before the official start time on the first day. This allows you and your child to:

  1. Familiarise yourselves with the environment
  2. Meet the staff without feeling rushed
  3. Settle in and explore the surroundings together

Meeting the Staff and Settling In

Our friendly staff will be there to welcome you and your child. They’ll show you around, introduce you to your child’s key worker, and help your little one find an engaging activity to start their day.

Strategies for a Smooth Separation

When it’s time to say goodbye:

  1. Keep it brief: Long, drawn-out goodbyes can increase anxiety.
  2. Be confident: Your child will pick up on your emotions, so stay positive.
  3. Establish a goodbye routine: A quick hug, kiss, and a cheerful “See you later!” can work wonders.
  4. Don’t sneak away: Always say goodbye to your child, even if you think it might upset them.

Remember, it’s completely normal for some children to cry when their parents leave. Our experienced staff are well-equipped to handle these situations and will comfort your child.

Communication with Nursery Staff

Open, honest communication between parents and nursery staff is crucial for your child’s well-being and development. At Precious Gems Nursery, we prioritise keeping you informed about your child’s day.

Daily Updates and Reports

We provide daily reports that include information about:

  1. Your child’s mood and behaviour
  2. Activities they participated in
  3. Meals and snacks eaten
  4. Nap times
  5. Any notable achievements or concerns

When and How to Contact the Nursery

We encourage parents to reach out whenever they have questions or concerns. You can contact us:

  1. By phone during nursery hours
  2. Via email (we aim to respond within 24 hours)
  3. In person during drop-off or pick-up times

Building a Positive Relationship with Caregivers

Developing a good relationship with your child’s caregivers can significantly enhance their nursery experience. Here are some tips:

  1. Introduce yourself properly on the first day
  2. Show interest in their observations about your child
  3. Share relevant information about your child’s likes, dislikes, and habits
  4. Express appreciation for their hard work

Common Concerns and How to Address Them It’s natural to have concerns about your child’s first day at nursery. Let’s address some common worries:

Separation Anxiety in Children

Separation anxiety is a normal part of child development. Here’s how we handle it:

  1. We create a welcoming, secure environment
  2. We engage children in fun activities to distract them
  3. We comfort and reassure children when they’re upset
  4. We keep you updated on how your child settles in throughout the day

Dealing with Tears and Tantrums

Tears and tantrums can happen, especially in the early days. Our staff are trained to:

  1. Remain calm and patient
  2. Offer comfort and reassurance
  3. Redirect the child’s attention to engaging activities
  4. Use positive reinforcement for good behaviour

These strategies help children feel secure and valued, even when they’re upset. We understand that each child is unique and may need different approaches to comfort and reassurance

Adapting to New Routines and Environments

Every child adapts differently to new situations. To help with this transition:

  1. We maintain consistent routines
  2. We introduce changes gradually
  3. We celebrate small victories and progress

Remember, it’s okay if it takes time for your child to adjust. Patience and positivity are key!

Your Child’s Social Development at Nursery

Nursery plays a crucial role in your child’s social development. At Precious Gems Nursery, we foster an environment that encourages positive social interactions.

Making New Friends

We facilitate friendships by:

  1. Organising group activities
  2. Encouraging sharing and turn-taking
  3. Teaching children how to introduce themselves and join in play

Learning to Share and Cooperate

Sharing and cooperation are vital skills that children develop at nursery. We promote these through:

  1. Group projects and activities
  2. Role-playing exercises
  3. Praising cooperative behaviour

Developing Independence

Nursery is an excellent place for children to develop independence. We encourage this by:

  1. Allowing children to make age-appropriate choices
  2. Teaching self-help skills (like putting on coats or tidying up)
  3. Praising efforts towards independence

Health and Safety at Nursery

At Precious Gems Nursery, your child’s health and safety are our top priorities. Here’s how we ensure a safe environment:

Illness Policies and Procedures

We have strict policies to prevent the spread of illness:

  1. Children with contagious illnesses are asked to stay home
  2. We practise regular hand washing
  3. We maintain high standards of cleanliness and hygiene

We also educate children about good hygiene practices in a fun, age-appropriate way. Our staff undergo regular health and safety training to ensure they’re up-to-date with the latest guidelines.

Accident Reporting and First Aid

All our staff are trained in first aid. We also conduct regular safety drills and maintain fully stocked first aid kits throughout the nursery. Your child’s safety is our utmost priority, and we’re always prepared for any situation. In case of any accidents:

  1. We provide immediate care
  2. We document the incident
  3. We inform parents promptly

Security Measures in Place

To ensure your child’s safety, we have:

  1. Secure entry systems
  2. Regular headcounts and roll calls
  3. Strict pick-up policies (only authorised individuals can collect children)

We also conduct regular safety drills and maintain fully stocked first aid kits throughout the nursery. Your child’s safety is our utmost priority, and we’re always prepared for any situation.

The Pick-Up: Reuniting with Your Child

Engage your child in conversation about their day:

  1. Ask open-ended questions like “What was your favourite part of the day?”
  2. Show interest in their activities and creations
  3. Be patient if they’re not ready to share immediately

Establishing a Post-Nursery Routine

A consistent after-nursery routine can help your child transition between nursery and home:

  1. Have a special greeting or hug
  2. Provide a healthy snack
  3. Allow some quiet time for unwinding
  4. Engage in a calm activity together

Adjusting to Nursery Life: The First Week and Beyond

The first week at nursery is a period of significant adjustment for both you and your child. Here’s what to keep in mind:

Signs that Your Child is Settling in Well

Look out for these positive indicators:

  1. They talk about nursery positively at home
  2. They’re excited to go to nursery in the morning
  3. They mention friends or caregivers by name
  4. They show pride in their nursery activities and creations

Addressing Ongoing Concerns or Issues

If you have persistent worries:

  1. Speak to your child’s key worker
  2. Schedule a meeting with the nursery manager
  3. Keep communication open and honest
  4. Work together to find solutions

Celebrating Milestones and Progress

Remember to acknowledge and celebrate your child’s achievements, no matter how small:

  1. Their first full day without tears
  2. Making a new friend
  3. Learning a new skill
  4. Participating in a group activity
  5. These celebrations reinforce positive associations with nurseries.

Supporting Your Child’s Nursery Experience at Home

Your involvement doesn’t end at the nursery door. Here’s how you can support your child’s nursery experience at home:

Reinforcing Learning and Social Skills

  1. Practice skills they’re learning at nursery (like counting or identifying colours)
  2. Encourage imaginative play based on nursery experiences
  3. Read books that relate to themes they’re exploring at nursery

Maintaining Consistency Between Home and Nursery

  1. Try to align your home routine with the nursery schedule where possible
  2. Use similar language for rules and expectations
  3. Reinforce positive behaviours that are encouraged at nursery

Encouraging a Positive Attitude Towards Nursery

  1. Speak enthusiastically about nursery
  2. Display your child’s nursery creations proudly
  3. Show interest in their nursery experiences

FAQs About a Child’s First Day at Nursery

Q: How long should I stay on the first day? A: We recommend staying for about 15-20 minutes to help your child settle in, but not so long that it makes the separation more difficult.

Q: What if my child cries when I leave? A: It’s normal for some children to cry. Our staff are experienced in comforting upset children and will keep you updated on how your child settles.

Q: How can I prepare my child for nursery beforehand? A: Talk positively about nursery, read books about starting nursery, and practise short separations to help your child get used to being away from you.

Q: What if my child refuses to eat at the nursery? A: Don’t worry – it’s common for children to eat less when they first start nursery. We’ll encourage them gently and keep you informed about their eating habits.

Q: How long does it typically take for children to adjust? A: Every child is different, but most children settle into nursery life within a few weeks. Some adjust quickly, while others may take a bit longer. We’ll work closely with you to ensure a smooth transition.

Remember, at Precious Gems Nursery, we’re always here to answer your questions and address your concerns. Your child’s well-being and happiness are our top priorities!


Your child’s first day at nursery marks the beginning of an exciting journey of growth, learning, and discovery. While it may seem daunting at first, remember that at Precious Gems Nursery, we’re here to support both you and your child every step of the way. By preparing thoroughly, communicating openly, and maintaining a positive attitude, you can help ensure that your child’s transition to nursery life is smooth and enjoyable. Remember, every child is unique and will adjust at their own pace. Patience, understanding, and lots of love will go a long way in making this new chapter a success. As your child embarks on this new adventure, cherish the moments, celebrate the milestones, and watch with pride as your little one grows and thrives in their nursery environment. We’re excited to be part of your child’s journey!

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